martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Watashi wa koko ni iru- Estoy aquí, John Smith

Watashi wa koko ni iru. Soy Haruhi, te estoy buscando, John Smith.
Sólo quería que lo supieras, por si por casualidad llegaras a leer esto.

Watashi wa koko ni iru. I`m Haruhi, I'm looking for you, John Smith. I wanted you to know it, just in case you read this by chance.

Hace muchos años, vi un chico sentado en una silla, en mi cuarto. Yo era casi una niña, estaba en mi cama, escribiendo. ¿Te acuerdas? Watashi wa koko ni iru.

Many years ago, I saw a boy sitting on a chair, in my bedroom. I was almost a little girl, I was writting, sitting on my bed. Do you remember? Watashi wa koko ni iru.
Otra vez, nos encontramos en un sueño. Yo fui a avisar a tu padre de un peligro. Tú eras el hijo del dueño de la casa. El patio estaba resplandeciente, todo era una fiesta, con muchas mesas donde alegres comensales brindaban. Recuerdo el patio con columnas blancas, y las lámparas, las luces. Pero sobre todo, me acuerdo de ti. Creo que fue mutuo. No hicimos más que vernos y sentirnos envueltos de algo muy fuerte. En aquel momento, fue como si nos reconociéramos. Fue un flechazo. ¿Te acuerdas? Watashi wa koko ni iru.

Another time, we met in a dream. I went to warn your father of some risk. You were the owner's son in the house. The court was glowing with a party. But I remember, over all, you. I think it was a mutual feeling. We just saw each other and felt surrounded by something really true. At that moment, it was like if we had recognized our soul mate. We fell in love instantaneously. Do you remember? Watashi wa koko ni iru.
No sé si me estás buscando. Me gustaría encontrarte. Estoy aquí. 

I don't know if you are looking for me. I'd like to findo you. I'm here.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Gibraltar- All Hallows Eve is coming!- Otra vez Todos los Santos

It seems that I only write in this season of the year. In fact, I'm only writing to not let die this blog. Sorry, I haven't fullfilled the promises I made. But I'm still here, thinking of something -the problem is I still don't know exactly what.

So, let's talk about trivia! First of all, fashion. You know, 80's and 90's are in. At first I didn't like this trend, because I found some 80's and 90's trends really horrible. I thought that they were un-glamourous. But mannish, sporty, or minimal clothes also have charm. And I've made my own outfit with the things I had in my wardrobe.
Outfit october 2013
I know it's very plain, but it's ok for beginners.

A couple of months ago, I went to Gibraltar. Gibraltar is placed in the South coast of Spain, but it's part of United Kingdom. I was so happy to go there because I've never travelled to England and it was fun to see the things I've always seen on TV just in front of my very eyes: the policemen wearing their black helmet, the  red post-boxes and phone cabs... Really, I enjoyed the trip. Besides I bought yummy biscuits filled with fruit in a supermarket called "Morrison's" and also I tried Cherry Coke, which I liked.

El Peñón de Gibraltar
This is the "Peñón de Gibraltar", and this is the view you have when you arrive to Gibraltar. The day was cloudy and kind of rainy, so it was perfect to get in the Brittish mood, ha ha. Did you know? Gibraltar it's so small that when you pass the border you have to go through the airport runway because there wasn't space to build it somewhere else. Of course, you can go through that road when there aren't any planes landing or taking off... It's true, the first time I heard of it I thought it was a joke, but it's true.

Mailbox buzón rojo
And here is the mailbox I got so excited to see... I know it may sound silly but it always happen when you see in real life something you have only seen on the media.

Teddy Bear Biscuit box
And here you can see the pretty biscuit boxes in the shop windows. They are so cute, I should have bought this of a teddy bear, but I hadn't much money to spend.

Cherry Coke can
And this is the can of Cherry Coke. Isn't it cute? I wish we had more kinds of Coke and sodas here in Spain, but it seems that they don't think it's necessary, and we only have regular Coke.

And that's all! Soon it will be All Hallows Eve, Halloween. I'm looking forward to it because, as I must have told you already, on November 1st we eat delicious sweets called "Saint bones", "Huesos de santo", made with marzipan.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Life as training- La vida como aprendizaje.

Después de tantísimo tiempo sin publicar vengo con una entrada un poco filosófica. Quiero dar las gracias a Rocío por sus comentarios, porque de no ser por ella pensaría que nadie se acuerda de este blog y quizá lo hubiera abandonado definitivamente. After a long time without posting, here I come with a little filosofic post. I want to thank Rocío for her comments; if she weren't there maybe I would have abandoned this blog for once and all.

Hibisco naranja lluvia
En Málaga hay muchas flores que crecen gracias al microclima tropical. Esta flor Pacífico (hibisco) llena de gotitas tras la lluvia me pareció preciosa.

En Marzo, después de la lluvia, la primavera comenzó a florecer. No creáis que me olvidé del blog, iba por ahí haciendo fotos de flores para enseñároslas. (Tengo muchas. Me gustaría hablar alguna vez de todas las flores que crecen en los parques de Málaga.) Mi situación no era la mejor, pero la perspectiva de la primavera de algún modo me daba esperanza. Me decía: "todo va a cambiar", "ahora es el momento de probar lo que puedes hacer"... On March, after the rain, Spring began to bloom. Don't think that I forgot about the blog: I was wandering here and there taking photographs of flowers to show them to you in this blog (I have a lot. I'd like to talk about the flower which grow in Malaga gardens). Mi situation wasn't the best, but the expectations on the Spring gave me hopes somehow. I said to myself: "everything is going to change", "now is the moment for you to prove your strength"...

Siempre que uno está preocupado, y sale a dar a una vuelta, y ve el cielo azul y la estación cálida acercándose, pienso que se respira mejor. Eso es lo que me pasaba. Traté de ser positiva. En Abril, la lluvia volvió. Cada vez que la primavera se asomaba, la lluvia volvía. También en mis pequeños proyectos pasaba lo mismo. Pensaba que iba a conseguirlo... y justo entonces, me desanimaba por algo. No es fácil. Whenever you are worried, if you go out and you see the blue sky, as the warm season is coming, you'll feel that it's easier to breathe. That's what happened to me. I tried to stay positive. On April, the rain came back. Every time  the Spring showed up, the rain came back. And it was the same with my little projects. I was thinking that I could do it... and then something put me down. It's not easy.

Cielo azul
Ver el cielo azul al comienzo de la primavera me parece como un soplo de esperanza.

Además de los problemas "profesionales", me sentía sola emocionalmente. Echaba de menos tener a alguien que me entendiera, y pensaba si alguna vez algún amigo lo había hecho. Es gracioso, porque ellos siempre me llamaban y me ayudaban, pero yo seguía estando triste.  Tampoco quería agobiarlos con mis problemas. Besides the professional problems, I was feeling lonely. I missed having someone who could just understand me, and I wondered if some of my friends had ever done it. Funny, because they always called me and helped me, but I continued being sad. I didn't want to bother them with my problems either.

Lolita manga
Dibujé a Lili de NeWorld llevando un estilo Sweet Lolita, la moda japonesa, en primavera.
En Mayo, no me dejé desanimar del todo. Después de todo, yo tengo un "mundo nuevo". Y aunque no lo creáis, he estado todo el tiempo pensando en NeWorld. Incluso dibujé a Lili, pensé en cambiar el nombre a NextWorld, y he estado todos estos meses escribiendo. Es sólo que siempre hay alguien mucho mejor que tú. Ya sabéis: ese sentimiento de que hagas lo que hagas, no puedes hacer las cosas lo bien que te gustaría. No me siento capacitada para dibujar un manga entero, así que me puse a escribir sencillamente. Y ahora me pregunto si lo que escribo tiene algún valor como para enseñarlo... Así soy yo. Sólo tengo una cosa buena: puedo tardar años, pero no olvido mis proyectos. On May, I didn't let myself give up. After all, I have a "new world". You may not believe me, but I've been thinking about NeWorld all the time. I even drew Lili, thought of changing the name into NextWorld, and I've been writing all these months. It's just that there is always someone much better than you. You know: that feeling of "no matter what you do, you can't do things as well as you'd like". I don't feel able to draw a whole manga, so I began to write, simply. And now I wonder if what I've written is good enough to publish... That's the way I am. I only have a positive thing: it may takes me years, but I don't forget my projects.

Rosa blanca
Todas las rosas habían florecido. Todas menos yo.

Floreció hasta la última rosa, y llegó Junio. Junio es el sexto mes del año, la mitad del año. Me di cuenta de que gracias a mi esfuerzo había conseguido cosas, pero muy pequeñas. Por una parte estaba feliz, y por otra triste. Me di cuenta de que mis sueños no se iban a cumplir tan fácilmente, y que la vida que había vivido hasta ahora era muy cómoda. Me di cuenta de lo mucho que le debo a la gente que me rodea y lo poco que yo les había dado a cambio. Creo que soy una llorica mimada. Even the last rose bloomed, and June came in. June is the sixth month of the year, the half of the year. I realized that, thanks to my efforts, I had achieved some goals- very little ones. On one hand, I was happy, but on the other hand, I was sad. I realized that my dreams wouldn't turn into reality that easy, and that my life until now had been really comfortable. I realized how much I owed to the people around me, and how less I had given to them in exchange. I think I'm a spoilt cry-baby.

Lagarillo Blanco paisaje
Un día soleado en el Lagarillo Blanco de Málaga. A pesar de las dificultades,  ¿por qué no ser feliz este verano, simplemente?

Ahora es Julio, y estoy en mitad de mi verano 2013 dándome cuenta de que aún no he ido ni un día a la playa, que he sonreído menos que ningún verano y que tengo que hacer algo. Quiero decir, algo más. Now is July, and I'm in the middle of my 2013 summer, thinking that I haven't gone to the beach a single day, knowing that I've had less laughter than ever and that I have to do something. I mean, something else.